首页> 中文期刊>农业机械学报 >水稻秧盘育秧播种生产线电控式软硬秧盘自动供盘装置




Rice factory seedling nursery is a technology that may greatly benefit the Chinese agriculture.It can improve the productivity of rice tray nursing seedlings planter,simplify the cultivation procedure and requirement,and reduce the labor intensity of manual planting.However,one technical drawback of this technology is that the current automatic tray feeder suffers from significant vibration shock and unstable reliability of automatic tray feeder.A composite tray which can be fitted with soft plastic trays and an automatic tray-supplying apparatus for rice tray nursing seedlings planter was developed.The control system was based on the STM32 microcontroller,the trays were detected by a proximity switch,and the servo steering shaft mechanism was used to automatically lift and drop the tray.Through theoretical analysis,the force model for the embedded composite tray was established,and the working parameters of the composite tray were determined.Key components such as the reel shaft mechanism,the lifting finger and the conveying device were designed.For analyzing the performance of the automatic tray feeder and discovering of the main factor of the tray feeding success rate,an orthogonal trial experiment was carried out by using the hard tray,and the tray feeding success rate was used as the experimental index.The orthogonal experiment showed that the tray stacking deviation had significant influence on tray feeding success rate,while the productivity and the tray feeding rate were non-significant.In addition,according to analyzing the experimental data,the automatic tray feeder was improved.Individually,two single factor experiments were carried out which regarded tray feeding success rate as experimental index.One experiment used the hard tray as experimental subject and the other one used soft plastic tray with the embedded composite tray as the experimental subject.Experimental results showed that the improved automatic tray feeder achieved high performance,the rate of hard tray feeding success was 100% and that of the soft plastic tray with the embedded composite tray was more than 98%.The automatic tray feeder can effectively raise productivity and reduce labor intensity,and the experimental indexes met the using requirements of rice tray nursing seedlings planter.%为有效提高水稻秧盘育秧播种生产线的生产率,满足轻简化栽培技术要求,降低农民育秧成本,减轻劳动强度,解决现有自动供盘装置振动冲击大、供盘可靠性不稳定的问题,设计了一种可嵌放软塑秧盘的复合托盘和水稻秧盘育秧播种生产线电控式软、硬秧盘自动供盘装置.该装置以STM32单片机为控制核心,由接近开关检测等待供送的层叠秧盘,控制秧盘供送装置上的舵机实现对层叠秧盘的自动升落与供送.通过理论分析,建立了嵌入式复合托盘受力模型,确定了复合托盘的工作参数;设计了舵机升盘转轴机构、抬升指、输送装置等关键部件.为检测电控式自动供盘装置的工作稳定性,系统地进行了振动特性测试分析;以硬塑秧盘为试验对象,供盘成功率为试验指标,进行了三因素三水平的正交试验,结果表明,叠盘偏差范围对供盘成功率有显著影响,减小叠盘偏差能有效提高供盘成功率;通过分析试验结果,采用改进的渐进式导向板,实现对叠盘偏差纠错,并分别进行硬塑秧盘和嵌入式复合托盘嵌放软塑秧盘的试验研究,改进后的装置性能显著提高,硬塑秧盘的供盘成功率达100%.采用嵌入式复合托盘进行软塑秧盘自动供盘试验,软塑秧盘的供盘成功率大于98%,满足水稻秧盘育秧播种生产线自动供盘技术要求.



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