首页> 中文期刊> 《国防交通工程与技术》 >民用运力合同制动员方法研究




民用运力合同制动员即为:军方与民用运力拥有者或管理者之间通过签署关于民用运力动员准备、动员实施及补偿补助等内容的军事合同,并采取相应的管理、监督、执行办法,调整和规范双方在动员过程中的行为。在我国实行民用运力合同制动员,有利于贯彻落实相关法律法规、增强运力动员双方的约束力、提高民用运力动员的有效性和加深交通运输军民融合度。提出了实施民用运力合同制动员的对策和建议,对民用运力国防动员方法进行了有益的探索。%The contract-based mobilization of civilian transportation capabilities means: the military signs contracts with the owner or manager of civilian transportation capabilities on preparations for the mobilization of civilian transportation capabili- ties,the implementation of the mobilization,and the corresponding compensation and allowances; etc. , with the corresponding management, supervision and enforcement methods issued to adjust and regulate the performance of both the sides in the mobili- zation process. The implementation of the contract-based mobilization of civilian transportation capabilities in China will help carry out the related laws and regulations, enhance the constraining force for both sides, improve the efficiency of civilian trans- portation capabilities and deepen the integration of military and civilian transportation. Put forward in the paper are some sug- gestions on the implementation of the contract-based mobilization of civilian transportation capabilities, which makes a useful exploration into the methods of the mobilization of civilian transportation capabilities for national defense.



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