首页> 外文会议>IAEE International Conference;International Association for Energy Economics >Mobilizing residential electricity consumer demand response using an ICT-ecosystem with dynamic electricity price discounts

Mobilizing residential electricity consumer demand response using an ICT-ecosystem with dynamic electricity price discounts




Demand response in electricity markets refers to the potential for consumers to change electricity consumptionbehaviour in order to contribute to grid flexibility and balancing of electricity supply and demand. In theory, demandresponse could contribute substantial positive benefits to electricity markets. For example, one study compares threedifferent scenarios that vary based on how demand response is employed in the electricity market [1]. They find thatthe optimal scenario uses demand response to shift electricity load from peak hours to off-peak hours, which resultsin total savings of 2.83% for electricity consumers in Germany. Another quantifies the financial impact of demandresponse and find that electricity price volatility can be significantly decreased by 7.7%, and expenditures of retailerscan be decreased by 3.5% [2]. These saving have yet to be fully realized in part due to regulatory and market barriers,which are discussed and summarized in [3].
机译:电力市场的需求响应是指消费者改变用电量的潜力 为了促进电网的灵活性和电力供需的平衡而采取的行为。从理论上讲,需求 应对措施可以为电力市场带来可观的积极收益。例如,一项研究比较了三项 不同的场景根据电力市场中需求响应的使用方式而有所不同[1]。他们发现 最佳方案使用需求响应将电力负荷从高峰时段转移到非高峰时段,从而 总共为德国用电者节省了2.83%。另一个量化需求的财务影响 回应并发现电价波动可大幅降低7.7%,零售商的支出 可以减少3.5%[2]。部分由于监管和市场壁垒,这些节省尚未完全实现, 在[3]中进行了讨论和总结。



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