首页> 中文期刊> 《旅游研究》 >经济欠发达地区旅游开发比较优势研究——以浙江省丽水市为例




Because of remoteness, being far from the economic centers and inconvenient traffic, there still remain a lot of tourism resources, which are very attractive to tourists and they haven' t been well exploited yet in under - developed areas. How- ever, when mass tourism ero is approaching, under - developed areas have incomparable comparative advantages to developed are- as. Lishui is an underdeveloped area in the developed province. Its tourism resources have such typical characteristics as "ecologi- cal environment, abundant resources, original and deep culture", high - level environment, strong bearing capacity and great po- tential for exploitation and so on. By studying Lishui in Zhejiang province, an initial conclusion can be drawn that the comparative advantages of tourism exploitation in under - developed areas mostly include resource advantage, opportunities advantage and ad- vantage of a late comer.%经济欠发达地区由于它们位置偏僻,远离经济中心地区,交通不便,所以至今仍保留着许多对游客有很大吸引力、目前还未很好开发的旅游资源。但在大众旅游时代到来之际,在旅游开发方面具有发达地区不可比拟的比较优势。丽水市是发达省份中的欠发达地区,旅游资源具有“环境生态、资源丰富、文化厚重”,环境等级高,承载力强,开发潜力大等鲜明特点。通过对浙江省丽水市的研究,初步得出经济欠发达地区旅游开发比较优势主要集中表现在资源优势、机遇优势、后发优势三方面。



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