首页> 中文期刊>理论界 >“身份认定”视角下的拜占庭历史--评吉尔·佩治的 Being Byzantine

“身份认定”视角下的拜占庭历史--评吉尔·佩治的 Being Byzantine



The Byzantine learning is one of focus of modern history.For a long time, scholars have been studying the Byzantine history from different ways: economic, political, military, religious and so on.The book Being Byzantine whose author is Gill Page is one of these works.The book is in the perspective of identity to research the Byzantine history and her civilization, to analyze the internal structure of the Byzantine civilization from the Angle of internal and external identity defined standards, with the Crusades captured Constantinople in 1204 as the cut-off time.At the same time, the book also puts the hot issues “identity” in Byzantine learning.%拜占庭学是近代以来史学界研究的一个重点领域。长期以来,各国学者从经济、政治、军事乃至宗教等不同角度,对拜占庭帝国历史进行了全方位的研究。吉尔·佩治(Gill Page)的著作Being Byzantine一书是诸多拜占庭历史研究的著作之一。该著作以身份认定为视角,以1204年十字军攻占君士坦丁堡为时间节点,从内外身份划定标准的角度进一步分析了拜占庭帝国的内部结构。同时,该书也把“身份认定”这一学界的热点问题引入拜占庭学。



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