首页> 中文期刊> 《基层医学论坛》 >忻州市改水降氟防治饮水型氟中毒效果分析




Objective To survey Xinzhou city water-improving and operation status of reducing fluoride, grasp the epidemic dynamics, and provide scientific basis for future defluoridation work.Methods In accordance with the"standards for drinking water quality"(GB/T 5750-2006) fluorosis in drinking water was analyzed;urinary fluoride was detected by fluoride ion selective electrode method (WS/T 89-2006); dental fluorosis by Dean method; clinical osteofluorosis and X-ray diagnosis of fluorosis of bone used " endemic fluorine bone disease diagnosis standard " ( WS/T192-2007 )Results Total water improvement sites to reduce fluoride in the city were 221, including 230 ward village, the beneficiary population was 282,000, which accout for 70.3%the total population. 462 residents drinking water was detected, the water fluoride value was 1.08 mg/L, range was from 0.56 to 4.97 mg/L. dental fluorosis was 7,352 cases from 8 to 12 years old children, total detection rate was 26.63%, dental fluorosis index was 0.57. 1368 children's urine were detected, the mean value of total urine was 1.67 mg/L,the range was from 0.52 to 15.36 mg/L. 31,728 people over 16 years of age were detected,clinical skeletal fluorosis patients were 4,841 cases, total detection rate was 15.26%;622 cases received x-ray film,110 cases were with skeletal fluorosis,the detection rate was 17.68%. Conclusion Xinzhou City defluoridation project has made great achievements, drinking water type fluorosis disease was under control. But local epidemic was more serious condition, prevention work still has a long way to go.%  目的了解忻州市改水降氟工程运行状况,掌握病情流行动态,为今后改水降氟工作提供科学依据.方法水氟测定按照《生活饮用水标准检验方法》(GB/T 5750—2006);尿氟采用氟离子选择电极法(WS/T 89—2006);氟斑牙采用Dean法;临床氟骨症和X线氟骨症诊断采用《地方性氟骨症诊断标准》(WS/T192—2007).结果全市累计改水降氟221处,覆盖病区村230个,受益人口28.2万,占病区总人口的70.3%.检测居民饮用水462份,水氟均值为1.08 mg/L,范围值0.56~4.97 mg/L.检查8岁~12岁儿童氟斑牙7352人,总检出率为26.63%,氟斑牙指数为0.57.测定儿童尿样1368份,总样本尿氟几何均值为1.67 mg/L,范围值0.52~15.36 mg/L.检查16周岁以上人群31728人,检出临床氟骨症患者4841例,总检出率为15.26%;行X线摄片622人,检出X线氟骨症110人,检出率为17.68%.结论忻州市改水降氟工程取得了可喜的成效,饮水型氟中毒病情得到控制.但在局部病情流行还较为严重,防治工作仍然任重道远.



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