首页> 中文期刊>国土与自然资源研究 >威廉姆森分析范式下农地经营权抵押贷款问题研究--以山东枣庄市为例




山东枣庄是我国较早开展土地产权制度改革的试点城市,其土地经营权抵押贷款的改革尤为突出。在实践过程中,通过剥离农地经营权、创建担保公司等改革手段,为农地规模化经营提供融资保障。但在实践过程中,混合治理结构带来的交易成本过高问题也渐渐显露。本文引入威廉姆森范式理论,对枣庄市农地经营权抵押贷款中的治理结构、交易性质以及交易频率等进行了分析,得出一体化的治理结构可有效降低交易成本,最后从一体化组织构建、行政关系、合作方式与原则以及风险防范等角度提出一体化治理结构的政策建议。%Zaozhuang of Shandong province is one of the pilot areas of property rights system reform in China. As early as in 2008, the land property rights system reform took the mortgage of the contractual right of land as the subject. Based on the tool of Williamson analytical, the way of Zaozhuang mortgage loan is indicated as hybrid governance structure. The governance struc-ture exposed the defeat that high transaction costs pushed up trad-ing threshold and financing needs of rural was difficult to meet. Further more, on the basis of the governance structure and the transaction features, a conclusion is drawn that the integrated management structure can effectively reduce the transaction cost. At last, advice of the integration of organizational structure, administrative relations, cooperation and the principle of risk pre-vention and other aspects of integrated governance structure of policy recommendations is given.



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