首页> 中文期刊> 《公路交通技术》 >普通国省干线公路无信号控制交叉口安全评价




干线公路无信号控制交叉口交通事故多发,严重影响干线公路网的安全性。从导致交叉口不安全的影响因素出发,提出交叉口设施规范偏离度的概念,并分别计算交叉口几何特征、交通标志、交通标线和照明设置的规范偏离度。在此基础上,考虑交通流处于理想运行状态和实际运行状态,分别建立交叉口的理想评价模型和修正模型,进而建立综合模型,对交叉口做出安全评价。另外,利用专家调查法和层次分析法确定各影响因素的权重,根据综合模型计算交叉口的潜在危险度,并据此将交叉口安全等级划分为A~D级。%Most traffic accidents happen at intersections of arterial highways without signal control and seriously influence safety of arterial highways. Starting from influence factors causing unsafety of intersections, this paper proposes the concept of standard deviation of facilities at intersections, and calculates standard deviations of geometric features, traffic signs, traffic lines and lighting setup at intersections, respectively. On this basis, the paper considers ideal and actual running states of traffic flow, and establishes ideal evaluation model and correction model of intersections, and further establishes integrated model to make safety evaluation for intersections. In addition, the paper determines weights of all influence factors by means of expert investigation method and analytic hierarchy process, calculates potential degree of risk at intersections according to integrated model and divides safety classes of intersections into classes A~D accordingly.



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