首页> 中文期刊> 《搏击·武术科学》 >浅述分解教学法在武术教学中的运用




Decomposition teaching method is widely used in Wushu teaching, especially in some complex and assorted movement routines, it is easier for students to understand and accept what to learn by using the decomposition teaching method, and the teaching effect is also better. Using decomposition teaching method, due to a decrease in the movement difficulty, students easy to learn, and whenever the student learn to one resolve action, corresponding to produce a successful emotional experience, the heart will receive a kind of satisfaction, but also improve the confidence and determination mastering the entire movement. Through the literature review and comprehensive analysis methods, this paper makes a comprehensive scientific analysis of the decomposition methods in the teaching of Wushu.%  分解教学法在武术教学中运用广泛,特别是在一些复杂和组合动作的套路中,采用分解教学法,学生更容易理解和接受,教学效果也很好。运用分解教学法,由于降低了动作的难度,使得学生容易学会,而每当学生学会其中一个分解动作时,就能相应地产生一种成功的情感体验,内心就会得到一种满足,同时也增强了学会整个动作的信心和意志。文章运用文献资料法、综合分析法等方法全面科学地分析了分解教学法在武术教学中的运用。



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