首页> 中文期刊> 《系统工程与电子技术》 >基于动力学对称性的高空高速飞行器运动规划




传统的航迹规划与航迹跟踪是解耦的,不一定能满足高空高速飞行器的规划需求.为了保证所规划结果的物理可行,同时得到相应的控制量,研究了运动轨迹在李群框架下的对称性,提出了一种适应于高空高速飞行器的运动规划方法.首先,构建能够全面反映飞行器动力学特性的航迹基元库;然后,基于威胁环境和作战要求,在规划空间中生成一系列导航矢量;并利用运动轨迹对称性,基于航迹基元库生成有向导航拓扑图;最后,利用Dijkstra算法,在拓扑图上搜索最优导航矢量序列,并解算相应的动力学航迹及控制序列.仿真结果表明,该方法充分考虑了飞行器的运动学和动力学特性,能够保证规划结果的物理可行.%Traditional planning methods are difficult to satisfy the planning requirement of high-altitude high-speed aircraft because these methods consider planning and tracking independently. Under such circumstances, a novel motion planning method for high-altitude high-speed aircraft is proposed, after the symmetry of motion trajectories is studied and confirmed in the Lie-group framework. This proposed approach synthetically regards planning and tracking as a whole, to enable the planned trajectories physically feasible and their corresponding control sequences practically desirable. Firstly, the trajectory primitives database is constructed to entirely reflect the specified aircraft ' s dynamical characteristics. Secondly, a series of navigation vectors are created automatically in the planning space based on the thread environment and mission. At the same time, the directed navigation topological graph is generated by using the motion symmetry with the aid of the trajectory primitives database. Finally, the Dijkstra algorithm is utilized to find out the optimal navigation vector seqvence in the topological graph, and then the corresponding dynamical trajectory and control sequence are computed.Simulation validates that this proposed method can ensure the physical feasibility of trajectories due to comprehensive considerations on kinematics and dynamics of the specified aircraft.



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