首页> 中文期刊> 《系统工程与电子技术》 >空间相关多基地雷达分辨能力提高方法




针对雷达密集多目标探测问题,考虑一个单发多收多基地雷达系统,在分析空间相关多基地雷达模糊函数的基础上,通过传感器部署、波形选择这两种方法来改变模糊函数形状,达到改善目标分辨性能的目的.文中以模糊函数3-dB投影面积值为指标,对比空间非相关多基地雷达,分析了不同传感器部署和波形选择情况下的目标距离分辨性能,并给出了相应的仿真结果.研究成果不仅能用于对多基地雷达密集多目标探测性能的分析,还能为多基地雷达布站、波形设计等提供一定的理论参考.%Aiming at radar detection of multiple unresolved targets, considering a multistatic radar system with single transmitter and multiple receivers, an ambiguity function for spatially coherent multistatic radar is analyzed, and then sensor geometrical configuration and waveform selection are used to shape the ambiguity function so as to improve the target resolution. The 3-dB projected contour area of the ambiguity function is used as a measurement to compare the range resolution performance of different sensor geometrical configurations and waveform selections with a spatially incoherent multistatic radar, and relevant simulation results are presented. The conclusion of this paper can be used in the analysis of the multistatic radar detection performance of multiple unresolved targets, and will supply the sensor placement and waveform design of mullistatic radars with reference.



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