首页> 中文期刊> 《甘蔗糖业》 >高产高糖耐逆原料蔗良种区域试验




During 2011~2012, regional test was conducted on several varieties and Guitant 11, the check variety, to compare their main agronomic characters and technical characters. Compared with the check variety, the germination rate of Neijiang97-113 and Mingyin1991 was increased by 4.7% and 7.4% (absolute value) respectively. The tillering rate was increased by 1.3% and 12.9% (absolute value). The plant height was increased by 40.7 and 24.6 cm. The stalk diameter was increased by 0.21 and 0.26 cm. The millable cane was increased by 6989 and 17480 stalks/hm2. The stalk weight was increased by 0.37 and 0.33 kg/stalk. The cane yield was increased by 42.19 and 50.50 t/hm2 (by rates of 46.59%and 54.94%). The brix was increased by 1.8 and 0.3˚Bx. The sugar content of both was increased by 1.9%. The results indicated that Neijiang97-113 and Minyin1991 are excellent in agronomic characters such as adaptability, resistance to adversity, ratooning ability, stability, yield and sugar contents.%2011~2012年,将几个品种与对照种桂糖11号就平均出苗率、分蘖率、株高、茎径、有效茎、单茎重、蔗产量、田间锤度及蔗糖分含量等项目进行了试验观察与比较。内江97-113与闽引1991出苗率分别比对照增4.7和7.4个百分点,分蘖率分别增1.3和12.9个百分点,株高分别增40.7和24.6 cm,茎径分别增0.21和0.26 cm,有效茎分别增6989和17480条/hm2,单茎重分别增0.37和0.33 kg/条,产量分别比对照增42.19和50.50 t/hm2,增产率分别为46.59%和54.94%,锤度分别增1.8和0.3个百分点,蔗糖分均比对照增1.9个百分点。表明这2个品种适应性、抗逆性、宿根性、稳定性、产量及糖分等综合性状表现良好。



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