首页> 中文期刊>蒲松龄研究 >《聊斋志异》狐鬼形象的情趣美




Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio is famous for its images of fox ghosts and it has achieved the highest realm of art. The images of fox ghosts have the distinctive artistic charm which is so hard to surpass for all the other similar works in the history. One of the important reasons is the various tem-perament and interest of fox ghosts under the vivid writing of the author. That's the colorful beauty of temperament and interest. The beauty of temperament and interest of fox spirits is shown through the following aspects:frankness、wise schemes、treasures、responses、boudoirs' funny talk and antics. The beauty of tem-perament and interest of ghosts manifests as weirdness、wildness、sarcasm and helping behaviors. The temperament and interest of fox ghost's image enhances this work's entertainment and creates the unique charm of temperament and in-terest、extremely abundant aesthetic glamour and infinite artistic vitality.%《聊斋志异》以写狐写鬼著称,达到最高的艺术境界,所塑造的狐鬼形象具有历史上所有同类作品难以企及的艺术魅力。其重要原因之一,是作者以生花妙笔写出狐鬼形象的多种情趣,使其具有丰富多彩的情趣美。狐精形象的情趣美表现在率真之趣、巧计之趣、宝物之趣、应对之趣、闺房戏语之趣、滑稽行为之趣;鬼形象的情趣美表现在诡异之趣、野性之趣、嘲戏之趣、助人之趣。狐鬼形象的情趣增强了作品的娱乐性,产生了独特的情趣魅力和无比丰富的美感与无穷的艺术生命力。



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