首页> 中文期刊> 《中国工程科学》 >中国汽车制造质量提升战略研究




This paper analyzes the problems faced by the automobile manufacturing industry in China, including low quality and efficiency, weak competitiveness, insufficient high-mid-level supply ability, pressures due to highly competitive overseas brands and less approved status of independent brands, and the worrying situation about independent auto parts brands. Subsequently, the long-term bottlenecks that beset the development of the automobile industry in China are summarized, such as the weak foundations of good quality technology and manufacturing, as well as the lack of core technology, innovation, and a generic research platform. This paper puts forward the guiding ideology and phase-wise goals to improve the manufacturing quality from the perspective of developing new energy and intelligently connected vehicles, implementing automotive quality improvement projects, and other development strategies.%本文在分析我国汽车制造业存在的质量效益不高、质量竞争力不强、中高端供给能力不足、国外品牌强而自主品牌弱、自主零部件品牌状况堪忧等问题的基础上,梳理了长期困扰我国汽车制造业发展的一系列瓶颈问题,如质量技术基础薄弱、制造基础不强、核心技术处于劣势、创新力不足、共性基础性技术研究和研究平台缺失等;提出了我国汽车制造质量提升的指导思想和阶段性目标,并从加大国家产业支持政策向新能源和智能网联汽车的倾斜力度、实施汽车质量提升工程等五个方面,提出了我国汽车制造业质量提升的发展对策.



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