首页> 中文期刊> 《口腔医学》 >Empower双核自锁矫治器矫治双牙弓前突软硬组织变化的研究




目的 采用Empower双核自锁矫治器一步滑动法关闭拔牙间隙,研究治疗前后软硬组织的变化.方法 选择双牙弓前突病例16例,男5例,女11例,平均年龄16.5岁,拔除4个第一前磨牙,应用Empower双核自锁矫治器进行矫治,对治疗前后头颅侧位片进行测量,并对结果进行配对t检验.结果 治疗后上下切牙切缘分别向后移动(7.85±1.26)mm、(5.31±1.16)mm,根尖分别向后移动(1.52±1.38)mm、(1.32±0.29) mm,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);上下磨牙分别向前移动(1.80±0.21)mm、(1.90±0.19)mm,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).U1/SN,U1/PP角在治疗后分别减小(16.00±4.64)°和(15.21±4.55)°,L1/MP角上下唇一审美平面距在治疗后也明显减小,Z角增大(6.50±2.20)°,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);SNA,SNB,MP/SN无显著差别.结论 Empower双核自锁矫治器能有效矫治双牙弓前突,上下前牙回收明显,而磨牙前移较少,软组织侧貌改善显著,在没有借助口外力及其他附加装置的条件下,可以很好地控制支抗.%Objective To investigate the changes in cranio-facial hard and soft tissue of patients with Empower brackets after extraction of four first bicuspids. Methods 16 patients were included in this study (5 males, 11 females, whose average age was 16.5 years old). Four first premolars were extracted and Empower brackets manufactured by AO were bonded in all patients. One-step sliding technique was used for space closure and cephalometric measurements were used for assessment. Paired t-test was used in statistical analysis. Results After treatment, the edge of the upper and lower incisors were retruded for (7. 85 ± 1. 26) mm and(5. 31 ±1. 16) mm, the apexes of the upper and lower incisors were retruded for ( 1. 52 ± 1. 38) mm and (1. 32 ± 0.29 ) mm , and significant difference was found (P <0.01) . The upper and lower molars were protruded (1.80 ±0.21) mm and (1.90 ±0. 19) mm respectively and the difference was significant (P<0.01) , too. Ul/SN , Ul/PP angles decreased significantly by (16.00 ±4.64)° and (15.21 ± 4.55 ) ° respectively (P < 0.01) . Furthermore, there was significant decrease in Ll/MP angle and lip to E-line distance , and significant increase in Z angle (6.50±2.20)°(P<0.01). There were no significant changes in SNA, SNB and MP/SN angles before and after treatment . Conclusions In bimaxillary protrusion, for patients treated with Empower bracket, their anterior teeth can be retracted significantly and their posterior teeth move forward just a little . The Profile of soft tissue can be improved significantly. Anchorage can be managed successfully without any other additional force or appliance .



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