首页> 中文期刊> 《西南农业学报》 >砂仁叶斑病田间发病影响因素调查研究




The leaf spot of Amomum villosum Lour. In open field were surveyed between 2008 -2009 in Xishuangbanna aera. It demonstrated that leaf spot was one of the major diseases on Amomum villosum Lour. The occurrence regularity was that it began to occur at the beginning of October, January was the peak season and August was the trough season. The characteristic was that it became epidemic in winter and got into slight state in summer. The influencing factors of leaf spot included the temperature, rainfall, planting density, environment, variety and so on. According to the analysis of the relativity between the month average temperature, rainfall and field disease index, the correlation coefficient was 0.8413 and 0.9358 respectively, which showed that the more environment temperature was higher (10 -30 ℃) and rainfall increased (10 -250 mm), the lower field disease index occurred, and there were negative relevant relations between them.%2008年至2009年对西双版纳阳春砂仁叶斑病田间发病情况进行了调查,结果显示,叶斑病是云南阳春砂仁叶片上的主要炳害之一.其发病规律及特点:10月初发病,1月为发病高峰,8月发病较低;具有冬季发病重,夏季发病轻的特点.影响田间发病的因素有气温、降雨量、种植密度、环境、品种等,对3个砂仁基地进行月均温、月降雨量与田间病情指数相关性分析表明,田间病情指数与月均温的相关性系数R2 =0.8413,与降雨量的相关性系数R2 =0.9358,即气温在10 ~30℃,降雨量在10~250 mm,气温越高降雨越多田间叶斑病发病指数越低,即呈负相关关系.



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