首页> 中文期刊> 《西南农业学报》 >北疆地区夏播、麦后复播青贮玉米温光资源利用和产量的比较




Two maize,namely,Xinyul5 and Xinsiyu10.were used to study the photosynthetic characteristics and yield in summer seeding and multiple seeding after harvesting the wheat in northern of Xinjiang. The results showed that the silage maize in summer seeding had the more slowly development rate and lower yield. The dry matter of Xinyu15 in multiple seeding was decreased by 18.3 % than that in summer seeding and the dry matter of Xinsiyu10 in multiple seeding was decreased by 53. 8 % than that in summer seeding. Moreover, compared with summer seeding, the decrease of 100-seed green weight, dry weight per panicle and stem length of silage maize was the most obvious in multiple seeding.%以新玉15号、新饲玉10号为试验材料,在新疆天山以北地区进行夏播和麦后复播青贮玉米光温特性和产量的对比.结果表明,夏播青贮玉米整个生育期在温光资源占用率上好,产量高.复播青贮玉米生殖生长阶段在9月份之后,光热资源减少,青贮玉米的生长发育速度明显减慢,产量低.复播新玉15号干物质产量比夏播减产18.3%,复播新饲玉10号干物质产量比复播减产53.8%.青贮玉米复播和夏播相比,降低最明显的是鲜百粒重、穗干重和株高.



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