首页> 中文期刊> 《西南农业学报》 >绥江县耕地土壤环境质量分析评价




[Objective] In order to reveal the status of soil environmental quality in Suijiang County,based on ‘ the Non-polluted Vegetable Producing Environmental Condition Standard',‘ The Green Food Producing Environmental Quality Standard',and ‘ Organic Agriculture Production Base Environmental Quality Standard',heavy metals such as lead,mercury,cadmium,chromium,arsenic and soil pH value were measured and analyzed.[Method] Single factor pollution index and comprehensive pollution index method of Nemero were used to evaluate the soil environmental quality.[Result] Soils in Suijiang were acidic with value from 4.8 to 7.92,and the pH mean value of the soil was 6.48.The average contents of lead,cadmium,mercury,arsenic,chromium in soil samples in Suijiang County was 30.65,0.15,0.17,3.01,100.87 mg/kg,respectively,all were lower than the limit value of ‘ the Non-polluted Vegetable Producing Environmental Condition Standard'.The order of average variation degree of heavy metals was arsenic > mercury > chromium > lead > cadmium.[Conclusion]Based on the value results of single factor pollution index and comprehensive pollution index method of Nemero,the soil environmental quality could met the requirements of non-polluted vegetable producing environmental quality and A-grade green good producing environmental quality,but were not suitable for developing organic agriculture producing,which could provide scientific basis and assistant decision making for developing organic agricultural production and relevant departments.%[目的]为了解绥江县的土壤环境质量状况,参照《无公害食品蔬菜产地环境条件标准》、《绿色食品产地环境质量标准》以及《有机农业生产基地环境质量标准》,对耕地土壤的重金属元素铅、汞、镉、铬、砷含量以及pH值进行测定分析.[方法]选用单因子污染指数法和常用的Nemew综合污染指数法2种方法,对研究区域的土壤环境质量进行综合评价.[结果]分析结果表明,绥江县的土壤pH值在4.8 ~7.92,均值为6.48,土壤偏酸;绥江县土壤样品的重金属平均含量分别为铅30.65 mg/kg,镉0.15 mg/kg,汞0.17 mg/kg,砷3.01 mg/kg,铬100.87 mg/kg,均低于《无公害食品蔬菜》(NY-5010-2001)中的标准限值.重金属平均变异程度顺序为砷>汞>铬>铅>镉.[结论]综合污染指数法和单项污染指数法的评价结果显示,本研究区域的土壤环境质量尚未监测到重金属污染,达到无公害蔬菜产地和A级绿色食品产地环境的质量要求,但不能满足有机农业产地的生产标准.



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