首页> 中文期刊> 《西南农业学报》 >5种外源活性物质促进烤烟增产提质的机制研究




[目的]明确外源活性物质促进烤烟增产提质的机制,筛选玉溪烟区最有效的根系调控物质.[方法]通过盆栽试验,评价了5种外源活性物质的促生效果.[结果]复硝酚钠与海藻酸钠混合剂和FZB42菌剂处理团棵期和现蕾期的根系参数、地上部农艺性状、干物质积累均大幅度高于对照(P<0.05),烟叶产量分别提高20.8%和28.1%.回归分析表明,烟株总根长与烟叶干物质积累量在团棵期(R2 =0.90,P<0.01)和现蕾期(R2 =0.94,P<0.01)均呈显著正相关.[结论]提高并持续保持较大的烟株根长是外源物质促进烤烟增产、提质的关键,FZB42菌剂为玉溪烤烟根系调控的首选措施.%[Objective] The present paper aimed to screen out the most applicable and effective exogenous active substances of the tobacco root regulation.[Method]The effect of the five exogenous active substances with plots experiments were evaluated.[Result]The application of both the mixture of compound sodium Nitrophenolate and Sodium alginate,and FZB42 microbial inoculum resulted in greater plants growth in the stages of rosette and budding during tobacco period.Compared with CK,the root character,agronomic traits,dry matter accumulation significantly improved (P < 0.05),and the yield increased by 20.8 % and 28.1%,respectively.Correlation analysis showed that the total root length was significantly positively related to the tobacco leaf dry matter communication in both rosette (R 2 =0.90,P < 0.01) and budding (R2 =0.94,P <0.01) periods.[Conclusion] The root regulation measures stimulated the highest root length throughout the tobacco growing period,which resulted in a significantly higher yield.FZB42 microbial inoculum could be used as a preferred root regulation measures in Yuxi tobacco-growing areas.



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