首页> 中文期刊>南方经济 >国外器官捐献的经济激励、市场制度及改革启示




世界上大多数国家都面临着器官移植供需的巨大缺口,而中国的供体短缺问题则更为严峻。该文概述了世界各国器官移植捐献体系的现状以及影响一国器官捐献率的主要因素,并以代表性国家西班牙和克罗地亚为例,分析了短期内快速提高器官捐献率的关键在于相关改革,包括专门机构、协调网络、医学训练、公共教育、资金支持等配套支持。最后在当前我国器官捐献移植的改革基础上,借鉴国外经验,如何进一步完善捐献体系,短期内切实提高我国器官捐献率提出了若干建议。%In most countries of the world, there is a huge gap between the supply and demand of organ transplantation, and the shortage of donor in China is more serious. This article summarizes the present situation of organ donation system in the world, and summarizes the main factors that affect the rate of organ donation in a country. It is pointed out that to be in the short term rapid increase in organ donation rates in the key lies in the reform, including specialized agencies, coordinated network, medical training, public education, financial support and other supporting facilities according to the example of Spain and Croatia. On the basis of the current reform of organ donation in our country, we can learn from foreign experience and put forward some suggestions to improve the rate of organ donation in the short term.



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