首页> 中文期刊>中国土壤与肥料 >矿化垃圾和绿化植物废弃物在盐碱土上利用的效果




通过矿化垃圾和绿化植物废弃物在盐碱土上的现场应用试验,研究了土壤性质的变化.结果表明,盐碱土上利用矿化垃圾和绿化植物废弃物后pH和盐分降低,土壤肥力提高;但矿化垃圾中有机质相对稳定,而绿化植物废弃物易分解,其土壤微生物量碳、土壤脲酶和土壤磷酸酶增加效果更明显;而且以矿化垃圾、绿化植物废弃物和原土混合后土地利用的效果最好,其次为矿化垃圾和绿化植物废弃物混合,以矿化垃圾和5%原土处理的利用效果最差;而不同废弃物用量中以30%的绿化植物废弃物添加量改良效果最好;不同处理间土壤微生物量碳、土壤脲酶和土壤磷酸酶的变化趋势基本一致,并与有机质存在显著或极显著相关关系,适合评价有机废弃物土地利用的效果.%The change of soil properties was studied when aged refuse and greening plant waste was applied in saline-alkali soil. Results showed that their application could decrease the pH value and salt content of the saline-alkali soil, which would be beneficial to improvement of soil fertility. Compared with aged refuse, greening plant waste had unstable organic matters, which was easy to decompose, and its application resulted in a relatively more significant increase in microbial biomass carbon, urease and alkalin phosphatase. When regarding land application result, the treatment with mixture of the aged refuse, greening plant and saline-alkali soil was the best one, followed by the one with mixture of aged refuse and greening plant, and the treatment of aged refuse and 5% saline-alkali soil was the worst. When it comes to addition dosage of the waste, 30 percent of greening plant waste showed the best on improvement of soil quality. The changing trend of the microbial biomass carbon, urease or alkalin phosphatase in the soils was just similar for different treatments, and each one of these three parameters had a significant or remarkably significant correlation with soil organic matter content, and therefore these three parameters would be appropriate for evaluating effectiveness of organic wastes application in land soils.



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