首页> 中文期刊> 《四川文理学院学报 》 >万源保卫战与强渡嘉陵江战役比较研究




The Defense War of Wanyuan and the War of Crossing Jialing River were the two important wars in the histo-ry of China revolution and the war history of the Fourth Red Army.The two wars were j ustice in order to break the sieges to Chuan-Shaan Soviet Area from the reactionary government Kuomintang and the warlords.Both the wars overcame their more numerous opponents because of good plan and enough supports from people and so have important historical significance and deep influence.However,the two wars have their own characteristics.The differences lie in the intention, type,the points discussed before ,the force,and the strategy and tactic.The fighting style and spirit is encouraging Chi-nese people to achieve “China Dream”.%万源保卫战和强渡嘉陵江战役是中国革命历史进程和红四方面军战史上两次极其重要的战役。两次战役都是川陕苏区为了突破国民党反动政府和军阀豪绅的围剿而进行的正义之战,战前准备都很充分,都有赖于人民群众的大力支持,都取得了以少胜多的巨大胜利,都具有相当重要的历史意义并产生了深远影响;两次战役又各具特色,在战略意图、战役类型、战前会议讨论重点、兵力投入、战略战术上均有差异。两次战役中所体现出的战斗作风和战斗精神,是全体中华儿女在实现“中国梦”的伟大征程中的不朽丰碑。



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