首页> 中文期刊>四川文理学院学报 >从《清议报》到《新民丛报》--梁启超弃旧图新另办报刊原因探析




At the end of 19th century and the early 20th century, Liang Qichao founded two magazines called Qing Yi Bao and Xin Min Cong Bao in Japan which had a great influence on the society at that and later time. The Qing Yi Bao advocated royalism but the Xin Min Cong Bao stood for reforming nationals, whose aims were different. As for the replacement between the two magazines, the academic circle usually accounted the fire disaster in the Qing Yi Bao for the publication termination, but ignored the connections and changes between these two journals. The writer thinks that the Xin Min Cong Bao was established in the objective conditions where Qing Yi Bao had encountered with the strict prohibition of the Qing government, the reputation of the Baohuanghui being ruined and its shortage of funds, when Liang Qichao's thought of“national state”matured, who had divergence with his master Kang Youwei and wanted to slip the leash of the Qing Yi Bao. Finally, the 100th issue of the Qing Yi Bao and the fire disaster in the newspaper office were the significant opportunity for the Qing Yi Bao's publication termination.%19世纪末、20世纪初梁启超在日本创办了两份对当时及后来社会影响很大的报刊———《清议报》与《新民丛报》,但前者主张“保皇”,后者主张“维新国民”,宗旨有很大的改变。对于两报的更替,学界多认为是火灾导致《清议报》停刊,梁便另办《新民丛报》,却未注意到两报之间的联系与变化。《新民丛报》是在《清议报》遭到清廷严禁与保皇会声誉受损且经费缺乏的客观条件下,梁启超“国民国家”思想成熟之际,与其师康有为产生分歧并欲摆脱《清议报》的束缚而创办起来的。



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