首页> 中文期刊> 《舰船电子工程》 >DSP 软件在消除箔条干扰中的应用研究

DSP 软件在消除箔条干扰中的应用研究



Chaff jamming is an important aspect of passive jamming which is widely used now .But in the test time the measuring equipment may appear trigger problems which caused by airborne chaff .All of these cause that real data can not be gotten when the aircraft hit the target .Now in this paper ,the method of rewriting the threshold information which in the DSP software is part of the signal detection and processing board is used to solve the problem of false trigger .After many ex-periments ,it is proved that this method can effectively eliminate the false triggering ,and now achieve good results .%箔条质心干扰是无源干扰的一种重要方式,当前此技术已经得到了广泛应用。然而在实际试验过程中存在着测量设备在测量时因箔条弹的飘散而造成测量系统误触发问题,从而导致测量装备无法获取真实数据。基于此,论文拟采用将信号检测与处理板中的 DSP 软件中的门限相关部分进行改写的方法来解决误触发问题。目前经过多次实际试验证明,此方法可以有效地消除误触发,已经达到了很好的测量效果。



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