首页> 中文期刊>上海城市规划 >实验演算型住宅区地块容积率指标校核方法探索*




虽然目前控制性详细规划中容积率等指标的核算有多种手段,但很少有基于实验的演算型定量研究。针对不同大小的基地,均可通过实验,推算日照标准约束下的容积率等指标,作为规划决策的重要依据。从当前日照标准约束角度,提出运用空间极限容积率校核的实验方法,通过计算机实验进行核算。提出了基于“九宫格”的计算方法,经过少量人工干预,由计算机生成指标对应的空间形态,以使控制性详细规划指标的确定更加科学、理性。实验表明,如果日照标准约束条件不变,容积率并不是可以随着住宅高度的增加而无限增加。如果需保证一定的日照资源质量,住宅高度和容积率存在增长极限。%We have various ways to estimate FAR for regulatory plan, but there is little quantitative model based on the experimental study. This study is based on different size of parcels and uses experimental approach. Maximum FAR can be calculated within the constraint of sunlight codes for planning decisions. The original type is based on the 9 boxes. With a smal amount of manual intervention, the computer generated the building layout and the corresponding FAR index to make the planning indicators more rational. Experiments show that if the current codes of sunlight constraint conditions remain unchanged, the FAR will not increased as residential height can be increased indefinitely. If a certain sunshine resources must be required, residential height and FAR limits do exist.



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