首页> 中文期刊>山东农业科学 >糠醛渣在蓝莓土壤理化性质调节中的应用研究




为探讨糠醛渣在蓝莓栽培土壤改良中的应用效果,通过盆栽试验,研究了糠醛渣替代草炭与蓝莓土壤按1∶1(体积比)混合,并添加不同比例的硫磺对蓝莓土壤理化性质的影响.结果表明,施用硫磺处理后73d时,土壤pH值明显降低.施硫磺量在1.0~1.5 kg/m3时改良土壤酸碱度的效果最好.添加一定量的硫磺,糠醛渣可以代替草炭,起到降低土壤pH值的作用,同时还能提高土壤中铵态氮和硝态氮含量.因此,将糠醛渣应用到蓝莓生产中在一定程度上改良了土壤的理化性质,可为蓝莓生长提供一定有利条件.%In order to explore the application effect of furfural residue in the improvement of blueberry cultivation soil,a pot experiment was designed and performed to determine the effects of different ratios of furfural residue and sulphur on soil physical and chemical properties of blueberry.The results showed that the soil pH value obviously decreased after applying sulphur for 73 days.When the application amount of sulphur ranged from 1.0 kg/rn3 to 1.5 kg/m3,the improvement effect on soil pH was the best.The furfural residue could take the place of peat through adding a certain amount of sulphur,which had the effect of reducing pH value.At the same time,the contents of ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen in the soil were also increased.Therefore,it was possible to improve the soil physicochemical properties and produce good environmental benefits by means of applying furfural residue in blueberry production.



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