首页> 中文期刊> 《求是学刊》 >技术进步偏向性及其收入分配效应:来自地区面板数据的分位数回归




At present,the decline in labor income share becomes universal phenomenon, numerous lit⁃eratures aiming to explain it are confined to the perspectives of the structural transformation of the economy and trade and technology, with limited universal adaptability and explanatory ability, and are ignoring biased technology progress influence on labor income share.This paper uses the three equation standardization system method to measure biased technology progress, and analyzes the in⁃come distribution effects of technological progress through quantile regression by using regional panel data.The results show that: the trend of regional technology progress bias converges to national trend, appears capital biased technical progress on the average, which means the technical progress is more advantageous to improve the marginal output of capital. Results on panel quantile regression show that: biased technical progress has obvious depressant effect on labor income share, the more techni⁃cal progress biased towards the capital, the more capital income share can be promoted, and labor in⁃come status can be worse. At the same time, in the different quantiles of labor income share, the in⁃come distribution effects of technical progress are different, before reaching the 50% quantiles, the lower the labor income share, the stronger the inhibiting effect of technical progress bias on labor in⁃come share, and with the rise of labor incomes, the inhibiting effect will continue to weaken. Mean⁃while, influenced by technical progress itself and factor endowments structure and regional economic environment, income distribution effect of biased technical progress also appears to regional differences.%劳动收入占比下降成为世界范围内的普遍现象,大量文献从经济结构转型、国际贸易和技术进步视角解释,其普适性和解释力度有限,且忽视技术进步方向变化对劳动收入分配的影响。文章采用三方程标准化系统方法考察各地区技术进步偏向性,并采用面板数据的分位数回归方法分析技术进步的收入分配效应。结果显示:各地区技术进步偏向性与全国走势趋同,基本呈资本偏向型,即技术进步更有利于提高资本的边际产出。面板分位数回归结果显示,技术进步偏向性对劳动收入份额存在明显的抑制作用,即技术进步越偏向于资本,越有助于提升资本的收入份额而恶化劳动在收入中的地位。同时,在劳动收入的不同分位点,技术进步偏向性的收入分配效应不同,在到达50%分位点之前,劳动收入份额较低时,技术进步偏向性对劳动收入分配的抑制效应较强,而伴随着劳动收入水平的上升,其作用将不断减弱。同时,受到技术进步偏向性本身、要素禀赋结构以及其他地区经济环境的影响,技术进步偏向性的分配效应也出现地区差异。



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