首页> 中文期刊> 《林业科学》 >中国森林公园的发展与管理




[目的]研究全国森林公园的发展历程和管理轨迹,为其健康可持续发展提供建议.[方法]首先,沿用文献回顾、归纳总结的定性研究思路,介绍森林公园基本情况和行业管理动态;其次,采用定量描述方法,分析森林公园时空发展规律.在时间上,划分发展阶段并总结特征,分析时代背景、指导思想变迁而引起的变化; 在空间上,统计分析全国31 个省(市、自治区)的森林公园旅游收入、旅游人数、社会就业人员等情况.[结果]1 ) 中国森林公园发展历经试点起步( 1980—1990 年)、快速发展( 1991—2000 年)、规范发展( 2001—2010 年)、质量提升( 2011年至今)4 个阶段,按国家级、省级、市(县)级分级管理,主要类型通常依据资源类型、旅游半径和林地权属来划分.2) 森林公园行业管理指导思想的变迁:改革开放初期,作为国有林场的一种多种经营项目; 1998 年天保工程实施以来,成为林业主体功能转换的一个重要选择; "十一五"( 2006—2010 年)期间,国家级森林公园确定为"国家文化和自然遗产地"、"国家禁止开发区域",作为国家自然保护地体系的重要组成部分.3) 主要成就和贡献:行业管理体系已基本成型,产业发展已初具规模,进入大众化旅游新阶段,强化了自然资源保护,支撑了森林旅游发展,促进了生态文化传播,带动了区域经济增长.4) 发展瓶颈:法律位阶较低,限制了行业管理的力度;各地森林公园数量结构不合理,市(县)级森林公园发展滞后; 各地森林旅游发展极不平衡,市场、投资和从业人员素质是3 个重要影响因素; 森林体验、森林养生等旅游产品欠缺,森林多功能利用效率较低; 森林公园的国际知名度和社会认可度有待提高.[结论]总体上看,全国森林公园发展态势良好,但不同省份发展差异较大.因此,"五个相结合"原则将是新时期森林公园发展趋势,即把森林公园功能作用与经济社会对林业的多元化要求相结合、把森林公园自身发展阶段特殊性与国家发展战略的大背景相结合、把对资源严格保护与合理利用相结合、把生态林业发展与民生林业发展需求相结合、把世界自然保护地发展珍贵经验与中国国情林情相结合,今后工作重点应集中在法制与标准建设、资源普查、投资渠道、人才培养、国际交流等方面.%[Objective]This study presents a review of the development history and management profiles of forest parks,in order to provide suggestions for the healthy and sustainable development of forest parks in China.[Method]A literature review and a qualitative analysis were conducted to explore basic information and management dynamics of the sector of forest parks in China. In addition,a quantitative analysis was carried out to describe spatial patterns of forest park development. Specifically,from the time dimension,development stages of forest parks were clarified and the characteristics of each stage were summarized,and an impact analysis was conducted on changes in socio-cultural factors and development guidelines at each stage. From the spatial dimension,a statistical analysis was conducted on tourism revenue,number of tourists,and social employment of forest parks in a total of 31 provinces in China.[Result]1) China's forest parks have gone through four stages: the starting and experiment stage ( 1980 - 1990 ) , rapid development stage ( 1991 - 2000 ) , standard development stage (2001-2010),and upgrading stage (2011 till now). A three-level of national,provincial and municipal (county) forest parks management system was used in China,and main types of forest parks are usually classified by resource types,size of tourism area and forest ownerships. 2) The guidelines of sector management of forest parks have also evolved. At the beginning of reforming and opening up,forest parks was considered as one of the business projects of the state-owned forest farms. Then,the implementation of natural forest protection program since 1998 facilitated the function transformation of forest parks. During the"eleventh-five year"(2006-2010) period,national forest parks were defined as"national cultural and natural heritage"and"zone of national ban of development". 3 ) A preliminary sector management system for forest parks in China has been established,industrial development has been scaling up,and a new stage of public tourism has come,strengthening the protection of natural resources,promoting the development of forest tourism and dissemination of eco-culture,and driving the growth of regional economy. 4 ) Bottleneck problems of development were identified,including low legal status limiting effective management and protection of forest parks,irrational quantitative structure of forest parks due to imbalance among different places and slow development of forest parks at municipal( county) level,poor professional background of staffs,lack of tourism products such as recreational and healthy activities in forest parks leading to low efficiency of multiple uses of forest parks,and poor international reputation and social recognition of forest parks. [Conclusions]In summary,the development trend of forest parks from 1980 to 2014 was good. However,it varied among different provinces. The"five-combination"principles are suitable for development of forest parks in the new stage,including combination of the functions of forest parks with diversified socioeconomic needs,combination of forest park development with national development strategy,combination of strict protection with rational utilization of forest resources, combination of eco-forestry with people's livelihood,combination of valuable international experience in protected areas with national realistic conditions. Future work should be focused on establishing legal system and standards,resource inventory, investment channels,personnel training,international exchanges.



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