首页> 中文期刊> 《科技视界》 >非饱和滑带土中粘粒含量及含水量的变化对其强度影响的试验研究




In order to quantitative analysis of the influence mechanism of water content and clay material on the strength parameters as c, φ, multi-group direct shear tests with the samples under different gradation, different water content and different clay material content of Tiansan sliding zone soils in Kala hydropower station were conducted. Using shear strength test method to reveal change in clay minerals and water content of structural plane influence the strength parameters c、φ of rock slope. Some results were obtained: 1)When water content is less then plastic limit, the value of c increases at first and then decreases with clay minerals increasing;then it is greater than plastic limit, the value of c decreases at first then increases and at last the minimum value of c is reached; 2)When the content of clay minerals is reached 35%, the value of φ reduces with minerals decreases and then it's less then 25%, the value of φ reduces faster; conversely, the value of φ reduces slowly. At the same time, the particle swarm optimization was used to analysis the results of test.%为了定量分析不同的滑带土颗粒级配情况下粘粒含量及含水量对粘聚力(c)和内摩擦角(φ)等强度参数的影响机制及变化规律,利用卡拉水电站田三滑坡体滑带土,进行了不同级配、不同粘粒含量及不同含水量组合的多组直剪试验方法,以揭示岩质边坡结构面中粘土矿物含量及含水量的变化对边坡岩体强度参数c、φ影响机制及变化规律。试验结果表明:当含水量不大于塑限时,c值随粘土矿物含量的增加而呈非线性增大,当含水量大于塑限时,c值随着粘土矿物的增加,先减小后增大,在粘粒含量为35%时c值最低;φ值随着粘粒含量的增加而减小,且在粘粒含量小于25%时φ值减小的速度较快,当粘粒含量大于25%时减小的速度减缓;并采用粒子群优化算法对试验成果作以解析。



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