首页> 中文期刊> 《科技进步与对策》 >国内知识管理领域科研合作网络研究




Based on social network analysis method, this paper studied the scientific collaboration network in China's knowledge management field. Using CSSCI ( Chinese Social Science Citation Index) papers in knowledge management filed span from year 1998 to 2011, we instigated organizational collaboration network from three levels: overall network structure, cliques and sub-groups features, also centrality and power for nodes and lines. The results showed that collaboration network characterized as high reachability, low density and low connectivity, and have no small-world phenomenon. Cliques analysis identified the weak compo-nents and cliques for organization collaboration network. The centrality measures for nodes and lines showed the most important or-ganizations and scientific collaborations in knowledge management fields.%  基于社会网络分析方法,以我国知识管理领域1998-2011年发表的CSSCI检索论文为样本,构建我国知识管理领域机构层科研合作网络,从整体结构特征、社群分析、顶点与边的显著性特征3个层次进行深入研究。研究发现:合作网络连通性较高,但密度不大、紧凑性和关联性较低,不具备小世界网络特征;社群分析确定了合作网络的弱成分及派系特征;顶点和边的中心度指标确定了在知识管理领域占据重要地位的机构和机构之间的合作关系。



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