首页> 中文期刊>科技进步与对策 >科技人才聚集与区域创新能力互动关系实证研究--基于2001-2010年省际面板数据




based on the 2001-2010 data of the scientific talent accumulation and regional scientific innovation ability ,this article do the cointegration analysist ,Granger causality test and impulse analysis to the scale of scientific talent ,effect of scientific talent and regional innovation capability respectively .The results show that there is no direct interaction relationship between scientific talent accumulation scale and regional scientific innovation ability ,the relationship between them is one-way causal relationship ,namely the ability of the science and technology innovation can promote the expansion of scientific talent accumulation scale ;While scien-tific talent accumulation effect and regional scientific innovation ability is a two-way causal relationship ,present double spiral rise trend complementary .Therefore ,simply by gathered talents ,the goal of improve regional innovation ability cannot be achieved . Based on the gathered in the science and technology talents and by generating and enhance regional scientific and technological tal-ent aggregation effect to improving the technological talent aggregation effect to promote the region innovation ability of ascension .%基于2001-2010年省际面板数据,对科技人才聚集和创新能力进行度量,对科技人才聚集的规模、效应与区域创新能力进行协整检验、格兰杰因果检验及脉冲分析。研究结果表明:科技人才聚集规模与区域创新能力之间没有直接的互动关系,只存在单向因果关系,即科技创新能力提升可以促进科技人才聚集规模扩大;而科技人才聚集效应与区域创新能力之间存在双向因果关系,呈螺旋上升态势。因此,仅通过科技人才聚集不能达到提升区域创新能力的目的,应该在科技人才聚集的基础上,通过提升区域科技人才聚集效应,提升区域科技创新能力。



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