首页> 中文期刊>科技进步与对策 >论默示许可原则对标准必要专利的规制




我国《专利法》第四次修改明确了标准必要专利权人违反披露义务的默示许可责任,由此引发了理论和实务专家的热议。透析其正当性发现,适用默示许可原则规制标准必要专利,不仅能通过与相关标准专利政策的有效衔接规制标准必要专利“劫持”,还有助于实现专利权人与标准实施者之间的利益平衡,保障标准的顺畅运行。标准必要专利默示许可规则的顺利实施,需要在厘清默示许可与披露义务、FRAND承诺以及禁令救济关系的基础上,完善相关法律规制体系。因此,建议在完善《专利法》修订草案第85条的同时,明确标准必要专利权人违反 FRAND承诺及相关许可义务的默示许可责任,并进一步明确标准必要专利默示许可规制下禁令救济的适用条件。%The Fourth Amendment Draft of patent law in China puts forward the implied license obligation that the standard essential patentee is accused of violating the disclosure obligation ,which is controversial in theory and practice .Analyzed its legitimacy ,w e found that the regulation of the implied license theory tow ards the disclosure and licensing acts of stand‐ard essential patentee may not only regulate standard essential patent hold -up through effective interface with the rele‐vant policies ,but could also help to realize the beneficial balance betw een the patent holders and the implementers of the standard ,and then guarantee the smooth running of patent standardization .To facilitate the successful implementation of the implied license regulatory system tow ards standard essential patent ,it is necessary to build up the relevant legal regu‐lation system on the basis of clarifying the relationship between the implied license ,disclosure obligations ,FRAND com‐mitment and the relief of injunction .Thus ,we suggest to complete article 85 of the revised draft patent law ,to clarify the implied license obligation that the standard essential patentee is accused of violating the FRAND commitment ,and to spec‐ify the applicable conditions and limitations of the relief of injunction .



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