首页> 中文期刊> 《科技管理研究》 >研发团队互动过程对创新绩效影响研究——以西安IT企业为例




The article explores the dimension structure of the IT enterprise's R&D team interactive process on the basis of present condition of the team interactive process at home and abroad. This paper chooses R&D team of Xi' an IT industry as the object of study, and then uses spssl8. 0 statistical software for data processing. The main research makes it clear that all the dimensions of R&D team interactive process exert an influence on innovation performance. The paper also adopts team scale as a regulated variable for analyzing the relationship between the R&D team interactive process and the innova-tion performance. Through this, it will provide reference to the follow - up study and practice.%结合国内外团队互动过程研究现状.以西安IT企业研发团队为研究对象,利用spss18.0软件进行数据分析,研究研发团队互动过程各维度对创新绩效的影响关系,同时引入团队规模作为研发团队互动过程与创新绩效的调节变量探索它们之间的关系.研究结果为后续的学习和实践提供参考.



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