首页> 中文期刊> 《科技管理研究》 >随机需求下基于价格折扣的供需协调博弈分析




This paper discussed the question of order quantity between supplier and retailer under stochastic demand, established Stackelberg game model and cooperative game model, and found optimal solutions in both models. When the manufacturer provided price discounts to the retailer, the models were optimized separately in this paper; in the Stackelberg game model, an index price discount is provided; in the other models, the range of price discounts is calculated, and a fact that the price discounts is the allocation process of the increase of the overall profit is proved. Finally, a numerical case is given, and the result shows that under the premise of ensuring Pareto improvement, the overall profit of the supply chain under cooperative game is much larger than the Stackelberg game situation, therefore the supply chain members have the driving force to seek cooperative game.%针对随机需求环境下供需双方订货批量问题,分别建立Stackelberg博弈模型和合作博弈模型,并求出最优解.当制造商提供价格折扣时,分别对两模型进行优化:在Stackelberg博弈模型中,给出制造商可采取的指数价格折扣;在合作博弈模型中,计算出价格折扣范围,并证明价格折扣实质是关于整体利润增加量的分配过程.最后通过算例对模型进行求解分析.结果表明,在pareto改进条件下,合作博弈模型的供应链整体利润较大,供应链成员有寻求合作博弈的动力.



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