首页> 中文期刊> 《科技管理研究》 >创新型企业团队的回复力范型研究——以团队道德情感为中介变项




有效运用回复力范型来管理创新型企业团队是经济转型期研发企业关切的焦点.研究调查了华东地区医药研发企业中的32个创新团队,以验证领导者回复力对创新型企业团队回复力的影响,同时解析道德渲染情境下团队道德情感的中介角色.结果发现,领导者回复力会显著正向影响团队道德情感,团队道德情感对创新型企业团队回复力具有正向影响,领导者回复力会经由团队道德情感显著正向影响创新型企业团队的回复力.研究的实务意涵建议回复力应该做为筛选创新型企业团队领导者的重要标准,亦应将回复力纳入企业领导能力提升的培训课程.%The effective use of the force paradigm to manage innovative team is a focus of concern for R & D enterprises in transformation period. The study surveyed 32 innovative pharmaceutical R & D enterprises in East China to verify the impact of leaders on restoring force of innovation team, while parsing the intermediary role of the team moral emotions in moral rendering context. It was found that a leader in restoring force had significantly positive effects on team moral emotions; team moral emotion had positive effects on the restoring force of the creative team; a leader in restoring force had significant positive effects on the restoring force of the innovative team through the team moral sentiments. The implications of the stud-y suggested that the restoring force should be taken as an important criterion to screen innovative team leaders, and as s necessary training courses to help team leaders develop the ability of restoring force.



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