首页> 中文期刊> 《科学技术与工程》 >铝合金微弧氧化陶瓷膜的组织与性能研究




The ceramic coatings on LY12 aluminum alloy were fabricated by applying plasma microarc oxidation rntechnique. The mierostrueture and properties of the ceramic coatings were studied. The results show that the ceramrnic coating is composed of a two-layer structure with the surface loose zone and the inner compact zone. The maxirnmum hardness and elastic modulus values of the ceramic coating were 25 GPa and 300 GPa respectively. After nnrndergoes 40 times heat shock circulation from 300~C to 15~C, neither cracks nor breaking-off was found. The friction rncoefficient of the black ceramic coating against bearing steel in air is in the range of 0. 25-0.37 , showing a good rnwear resistance.%利用等离子体微弧氧化工艺在LY12合金表面制备了陶瓷膜,对陶瓷膜微观组织结构、力学性能进行了分析.结果表明,陶瓷膜具有内部致密层和外部疏松层两层结构,膜层与铝基体为冶金结合.陶瓷膜的硬度和弹性模量硬度和弹性模量最大可分别达到25 GPa和300 GPa,陶瓷膜经300℃-15℃热冲击循环40次无裂纹、无膜层脱落现象.黑色陶瓷膜与轴承钢在空气中的摩擦系数为0.25-0.37,表现出良好的耐磨性能.



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