首页> 中文期刊> 《科学技术与工程》 >一种无线通信信号超窄带滤波方法的改进




In wireless communication process, the traditional ultra narrow-band filtering method is difficult to obtain wide frequency band the signal without interference, and in the frequency domain the valid signal will be split, which results a large number of data loss and man-made interference.A new wireless communication signals ultra narrowband filter method is proposed on the basis of amplitude, slope and bandwidth of interference sources to determine position and amount, ultra narrow band filter to provide reliable basis for the wireless communication signal.The interfere data and effective data were projected on to process different space, the ultra narrow band filter processing respectively.Through the data feature subspace filtering method, the ultra narrow band filter for wireless communication signal echo data was obtained to raelize unb wireless communication signal filtering and improve wireless communication signal filtering method.The experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively filter out the ultra narrow band interference in wireless communication signal to maintain the integrity of data, avoiding man-made interference.%在无线通信过程中,采用传统超窄带滤波方法很难获取较宽且没有被干扰的频带,有效信号在频域中会出现裂口,导致大量数据丢失,造成人为干扰.提出一种新的无线通信信号超窄带滤波方法,依据幅值、斜率以及带宽对干扰源位置与数量进行判定,为无线通信信号超窄带滤波提供可靠依据.将干扰数据与有效数据投影至不同空间,分别对其进行超窄带滤波处理,通过数据特征值子空间滤波法,获取无线通信信号超窄带滤波的回波数据,实现无线通信信号超窄带滤波,完成无线通信信号超窄带滤波方法的改进.实验结果表明,所提方法能够有效滤除无线通信信号中的超窄带干扰,能保留数据的完整性,避免人为干扰.



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