首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >论网络文明的建立--用文明营造清朗的网络信息发布空间




With the progress of science and technology and the unceasingly development of the Internet technology, the popula-tion of Chinese netizens is rapidly increasing. The once called"virtual"Internet has now uncovered its"virtual"cloak, and been closely related to people's practical life. On the one hand, the ris-ing of network government and network anti-corruption has played a positive role, and on the other hand, a series of problems breed on the Internet, such as the spread of false information, In-ternet-based rumors, network gambling and fraud. How to boy-cott harmful Internet information and highlight the positive themes of network civilization is not only an issue for netizens but also a task for culture departments and network administrators.%随着科技的进步和互联网技术的不断发展,中国网民人数增加迅速,曾经被称为“虚拟”的互联网,却是脱掉“虚拟”的外衣,与人们的实际生活紧密联系。一边是网络问政的兴起、网络反腐的接力和网络体现民意的积极效用,另一边却也滋生了虚假信息传播、网络大谣们造谣惑众、网络赌博诈骗等一系列问题。如何抵制网络有害信息,唱响网络文明的时代旋律,不仅是每一个当下参与网络的网民应该思考的问题,文化部门也应当会同网络主管部门有所行动,助力营造清朗的网络空间。



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