首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >智能仪器课程的教学改革




Teaching content reform of the intelligent instrument course is necessary in order to meet the needs of scientific and technological situation. The shortcomings of the intelligent in-strument course are specifically in the use of backward micropro-cessors and teaching language. Concrete measures of teaching reform in the intelligent instrument course can be seen from four aspects: constructing intelligent instrument using advanced mi-croprocessor DSP, quickly building a circuit based on the pro-grammable chip FPGA, using C language as the main teaching language, promoting the teaching reform which is adaptable to knowledge system and ability requirement of electronic contests, so as to enable the improvement of students' instrument capabili-ties.%智能仪器课程的教学内容需要改革以适应科技形势的需要。智能仪器课程的现状存在不足之处,具体表现在所使用的微处理器的落后以及教学语言的落后。智能仪器课程的教学改革的具体措施可从四个方面入手:采用高端微处理器DSP构建智能仪器、采用可编程芯片FPGA快速构建电路、以C语言为主要教学语言、以电子大赛所要求的知识体系和能力要求促进教学改革,使学生的仪器方面的能力切实提高。



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