首页> 中文期刊> 《科教文汇》 >大学生思想政治教育中沟通的障碍及对策研究




本文从大学生思想政治教育沟通的过程模式入手,提出了大学生思想政治教育需要教育者与受教育者共同完成。在此基础上,文章着重从教育者与受教育者两方面分析说明了大学生思想政治教育沟通过程中易出现的主要障碍,包括教育者观念陈旧、信息储备不足、信息处理能力差、技巧不高、通道不畅、受教育者心智不成熟、个性差异等等。最后,文章分别从提高教育者的沟通运用能力和提高大学生的沟通意识与能力两个大的方面具体地提出了相关的解决措施,为消除大学生思想政治教育沟通障碍提供了一些建议。%From the process model of ideological and political ed-ucation communication, this paper puts forward that university students' ideological and political education should be completed by the joint effort of educators and the educated. On th is basis, this paper focuses on the main obstacles in university students' ideological and political education communication from educators and the educated, including educators' old concepts, lack of in-formation reserves, poor information processing ability, poor skills, unsmooth channels, mental immaturity of the educated, personality differences, and so on. Finally, this paper proposed specific measures to solve the problems from the improvement of educators' communication application ability and the improve-ment of university students' consciousness of communication, and provided some suggestions on eliminating the communicative ob-stacles in university students' ideological and political education.



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