首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >浅谈“数形结合”在小学第一学段“数概念”教学中的运用策略




The process of pupils' mastering the concept of number is an autonomous and complicated one. Establishing clear and typical surface phenomena that highlight the common character of things is an important basis for the formation of concept. There-fore, in the teaching of the concept of number for the medium and low stages of primary school learning, the teacher should use in-tuitional means to provide rich and typical perceptual materials in accordance with teaching contents, and use proper demonstra-tions and operations as far as possible, in order to make the ab-stract concept of number specific and let students gradually es-tablish clear surface phenomena through their own activities such as observations, operations and thinking, thus abstracting the concept of number. Combined with teaching practice, this paper discusses the application strategies of symbolic-graphic combi-nation in the teaching of the concept of number for the medium and low stages of primary school learning.%小学生掌握数概念是一个主动的、复杂的过程。建立能突出事物共性的、清晰的典型表象是形成概念的重要基础。因此,在小学中低段数概念教学中,应根据教学内容运用直观手段向学生提供丰富而典型的感性材料,并尽可能地利用恰当的演示或操作,使抽象的数概念转化为具体内容,让学生通过自己观察、操作、思维等活动逐步建立起清晰的表象,进而抽象出数概念。本文结合教学实际,谈谈数形结合在小学中低段数概念教学中的运用策略。



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