首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >大学生心理健康教育问题浅析及对策研究




当代大学生正处于一个经济高速发展的时代,面对日益激烈的社会竞争,正承受着越来越多的压力和挑战,心理问题也呈上升趋势。如何对大学生加强心理健康教育,以积极的、正常的心理状态去适应当前的社会环境,从而健康成长成才已成为高校的重要任务。本文从当前大学生心理健康现状分析出发,对高校中常见的心理问题进行了分类,结合国家相关部门下发的文件精神,提出了培养大学生健康心理的对策。%Contemporary college students are in an era of rapid e-conomic growth. In the face of increasingly fierce social competi-tion, they are under more pressure and challenges,and psycho-logical problem is also on the rise. How to strengthen the mental health education for college students in a positive and normal state of mind to adapt to the current social environment, has be-come an important task of colleges. This article embarks from the current status of college students' mental health analysis. Then the common psychological problems in colleges are classified and combined with the national related department issued documents spirit. At last, some advice is given to cultivate college students' psychological health.



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