首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >行读相成,“悦”读无穷




阅读是语文学习的核心环节,也是精神成长、文化传承的重要手段,在小学阶段培养学生的阅读习惯会使他们终身受益。《新课标》中提出:“语文课程丰富的人文内涵对学生精神领域的影响是深广的……语文由于是母语教育课程,学习资源和实践机会无处不在,无时不有,因此,应该让学生更多地直接接触语言材料”,小学语文必须高度重视引导学生进行课外阅读,首次把“丰富语言的积累”写进了教学目的,并用具体条款要求“注意积累语言材料”。%Reading, as a core link of Chinese language learning, is also an important means of spiritual growth and cultural in-heritance, so the cultivation of students' reading habit at their primary schools will be of benefit to their whole life. It is pro-posed in the"New Curriculum Standard"that"the rich human-istic connotation of the Chinese curriculum is of profound sig-nificance to students' spiritual field... As Chinese language is a course for mother tongue education, learning resources and practice opportunities are everywhere in any time, therefore, we should let students touch more language materials directly". To guide students to carry out extracurricular reading should be attached much importance in primary school Chinese language teaching, so"enriching language accumulation"was first written into teaching objectives, and specific items were used to regulate"paying attention to the accumulation of language materials".



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