首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >广东地区独立学院新生适应性现状分析及教育对策




为了对独立院校的学生进行有效的心理健康教育,本研究采用《中国大学生适应量表》对广东地区独立学院新生的适应性状况进行调查.结果表明:①广东地区独立院校新生的适应性低于全国常模;②新生适应性在性别上存在显著性差异;③新生适应性在独生状况上存在显著性差异;④新生适应性在专业上存在显著性差异.文章针对独立学院新生的适应性状况提出了相关建议,给心理健康教育者工作提供一定的参考.%In order to carry out effective mental health education for students in the independent colleges, this study used"China College Student Adjustment Scale"to investigate the adaptability of the freshmen in Guangdong area. The results show that:①The adaptability of freshmen in independent colleges of Guangdong area is lower than the national norm;②Freshmen's adaptability is significantly different due to different genders; ③Freshmen's adaptability is significantly different concerning the situations of their independent living; ④Freshmen's adaptability is signifi-cantly different due to different majors. This paper puts forward the relevant suggestions for the adaptability of the freshmen in independent colleges, and provides some references for the men-tal health educators.



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