首页> 中文期刊>油气藏评价与开发 >多相流等效表征试井分析方法在海上边底水油藏中的综合应用




By the adoption of horizontal wells development in the offshore, Caofeidian oilfield is edge bottom water sandstone reser⁃voir. At present, being in high water cut stage, the remaining oil is complex distributed in Caofeidian oilfield. Based on a lot of dy⁃namic pressure monitoring data and by well test analysis method, different pressure build up curve features are analyzed and fine well test interpretation is systemic summarized and applied. Through comprehensive using various dynamic monitoring data, the recognition of distribution rule of remaining oil is strengthened, in addition, the pertinence and accuracy of the adjustment are im⁃proved. Through dynamic pressure monitoring data for many years, by adopting equivalent characterization technique of multiphase flow and well test analysis of horizontal wells, this paper effectively conducted reservoir characteristic evaluation and the recogni⁃tion of interlayer, and defined the direction and strength of the well interference. By comparing with the characteristic parameters changing of well test curves, the influence and various rules of reservoir percolation characters are discussed, thereby providing ade⁃quate basis for detailed study and ensuring the high continuous development of oilfield.%曹妃甸油田群为海上采用水平井开发的边底水砂岩油藏,目前已处于高含水期开发阶段,剩余油分布复杂。以丰富的动态压力监测资料数据为基础,应用试井分析方法,分析不同压力恢复曲线特征,进行了精细试井解释及系统性总结应用。综合应用各种动态监测资料,可以强化对油藏剩余油分布规律的认识和把握,进而提高调整的针对性和准确性。利用油田开发多年来压力动态监测资料,通过多相流等效表征技术和水平井试井分析,有效地进行水平井储层特征评价及隔夹层的识别,明确了井间干扰的方向和强度;对比分析油田开发历程中的试井曲线特征参数变化,探索本油田群开发历程对储层渗流特征的影响及变化规律,为地质油藏精细研究提供充足依据,保证了油田群的持续高效开发。



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