首页> 中文期刊> 《金融教育研究》 >区域性产业优化选择的金融支持路径及政策研究——基于上海的个案分析




The main aim of the industrial optimization is to select the high value - added potential of the strate- gic new industries from low value - added general industrial samples. The choice of industrial optimization is to real- ize the optimization of industrial structure adjustment and important premise of upgrading target, but it must rely on the financial support. The article,in the perspective of financial development, analyzes the industry optimization se- lection principle and idea as its breakthrough point, puts forward the basic path of finance supporting industry opti- mization choice, and based on this, selecting Shanghai as the regional sample, separately from the policy financial level and marketability financial level, systematicly puts forward the financial support policies of regional industrial optimization selection. The research will be helpful for the government to make scientific and effective industrial de- velopment policy and financial fiscal policy, and provide important theoretical guidance and decision - making refer- ence with very important theoretical and realistic significance.%产业优化选择的主要目标是从低附加值的一般性产业样本中,遴选出具有高附加值潜力的战略性新兴产业,产业优化选择是实现产业结构优化调整与升级目标的重要前提,而产业优化选择必须依赖于金融支持。文章在金融发展视角下,以分析产业优化选择的原则与思路为切入点,提出金融支持产业优化选择的基本路径,在此基础上,选取上海市作为区域样本,分别从政策性金融层面与市场性金融层面系统性地提出区域性产业优化选择的金融支持政策。该研究将为政府制定科学高效的产业发展政策与金融财政政策,提供重要的理论指导与决策参考,具有非常重要的理论与现实意义。



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