首页> 中文期刊>实验室研究与探索 >应用型工科院校多元化实验教学体系的创新探究




It is necessary that training of application-oriented talents is the goal of development of higher education, at the same time experimental teaching is an important approach for training of application-oriented talents in higher engineering education. This paper studies multiple experimental teaching system for training of application-oriented talents which is in accordance with the development of teaching demonstration center of base experiment of civil engineering in recent years. The new system consists of such parts of setting the training of applied talents as the centre, the goal orientation of experimental teaching system as the breakthrough, the insurance of experimental management system as the backing, the regulation and control of experimental monitoring system as the method. We should lay stress on position of experimental teaching, perfect experimental teaching system, deepen reforms of experimental teaching, improve quality of experimental teaching, which is significant for training of applied talents with high quality.%应用型人才培养是高等教育发展的必然,实验教学是高等工程教育应用型人才培养的重要校内教学环节.结合土木工程基础实验教学示范中心几年的发展,研究了应用型人才培养的多元化实验教学体系,以应用型人才培养为核心,以实验教学目标体系定位为突破口,以实验教学内容体系的优化为重点,以实验教学管理体系的保障为后盾,以实验教学监控体系的调控为手段,突出实验教学的地位、完善实验教学体系、深化实验教学改革、提高实验教学质量,着力培养具有较强创新意识和实践能力的高素质应用型人才.



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