首页> 中文期刊> 《实验室研究与探索》 >LabVIEW实现的网络化仿真传感器实验室




The simulation sensor laboratory based on virtual technology provided a novel sensor experimental device which can be upgraded easily. It enriched the experimental teaching resources, expanded the experiment content and solved the problem of ageing and inadequate of the experimental teaching equipment in colleges and universities. The realization of network simulation laboratory broke the time-space limit of the traditional laboratory and promoted the openness of the curriculum resources. An on-line simulation sensor laboratory based on B/S structure was built by the Web publishing and remote access functions of LabVIEW. The database technology strengthened management of the lab and provided secure remote assessments. So the simulation sensor laboratory can be accessed remotely and securely at any authorized terminal. The all-weather on-line simulation sensor laboratory improved students ' interest in active learning, thereby contributing to the development of students' abilities such as autonomous learning, engineering application, innovation and modern engineering thinking.%虚拟技术构筑的仿真传感器实验室丰富了实验教学资源,拓展了实验内容,弥补了高校实验教学设备不足、设备老化等问题,提供了便于升级的“新型传感器实验仪”.仿真实验室网络化的实现,打破了传统实验室的时空局限性,促进了课程资源的开放性.利用LabVIEW的Web发布和远程访问功能,构筑B/S结构的在线仿真传感器实验室,采用数据库技术加强其管理,可以为任意授权的终端提供安全的远程访问机制.全天候在线的仿真传感器实验室,提高了学生主动学习的兴趣,探索了实验教学的新模式,有利于培养学生现代工程思维、自主学习能力、工程应用和创新能力.



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