首页> 中文期刊>实验室研究与探索 >导弹制导控制半实物仿真实验系统设计




针对探测制导与控制技术专业本科生的学习与实验教学的需要,基于实验室已有的二轴转台光电跟踪系统设计了导弹制导与控制半实物仿真教学实验平台.该平台以二轴转台作为物理实物部分,以PC机和运动控制器为控制平台和控制核心,通过转台的运动控制卡库函数实现转台偏航轴和俯仰轴的位置和速度控制.运用Simulink可视化的系统建模界面建立某导弹的运动学和动力学模型,组成导弹的内环姿态控制回路和外环制导回路,用RTW技术将模型转化为代码,加入I/O接口后,将转台放入回路中进行半实物仿真.经测试验证,该系统在学生实验中起到了良好的教学效果.%In order to detect the need of guidance and control technology undergraduate study and experiment teaching,based on the two axis turntable photoelectric tracking system,we designed a teaching platform for missile guidance and control course with an in-loop simulation experiment.The platform is with two axis turntable as physical objects,the PC and motion controller as control platform.Through the turntable motion control library functions,position and speed control of turntable yaw pitch axis and axis is realized.By using Simulink visualization interface,kinematics and dynamics models of a missile are established.Inner loop attitude control loop and outer loop guidance loop are completed.With RTW technology,the model is transformed into code,after joining the I/O interface,the turntable is put into the circuit to carry out the in-loop simulation.The test results show that the system has a good teaching effect in the student experiment.



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