首页> 中文期刊>实验室研究与探索 >拔尖大学生深度创新能力的培养模式探索与实践




The cultivation of innovative talents,especially for elite college students,has risen to the strategic level of supporting the future development of the country,and exploring the “deep innovation ability” training model of top-notch college students is imperative.The reform mode of training deep innovation ability can adopt the structure frame of “project subgroup driving”,“ team flexible cooperation”,“ long-term process management” and “ multi-node assessment”.The model emphasizes the overall progress of the team bite needs,focuses on collective collaboration and innovation.Through practice,this model can successfully establish long-term stable college students' team.It can develop students' deep research ability,mobilize their initiative,and stimulate their interest and curiosity via sub-group-driven and flexible process management.This model is a beneficial exploration for the deep innovation ability cultivation of the undergraduates,which is conducive to establishing benign team and small innovation ecosystem adapting to the top-notch college students.%我国高校已开始普遍重视大学生的创新能力培养,但仍存在浮于表面、平均主义、落实不力等问题,尤其缺乏面向拔尖大学生的培养对策和实施模式.而高校创新型人才培养,特别是精英大学生的创新能力培养,已上升到支撑国家未来发展的战略高度,探索拔尖大学生的“深度创新能力”培养模式已刻不容缓.培养深度创新能力的改革模式可采取“项目子群驱动”“团队灵活协作”“长效过程管理”和“多节点考核”的结构框架.该模式强调团队整体进步咬合需求,着眼于集体协作和创新.通过实践,该模式可较好地建立长周期稳定的大学生团队,通过项目子群衍生驱动和灵活过程管理,培养学生深度科研能力,调动个体主动性,激发兴趣和求知欲.该模式是培养拔尖型大学生深度创新能力的有益探索.



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